Travel day. Coming home from Savannah. Sad to see the trip end, but looking forward to getting home to see the kiddos.

I've had these travel tags for a few years and never knew what to do with them. I love this cute little airplane :)
Impromptu girls night. I felt kind of bad going out since we just got back late last night, but it was fun to catch up with some friends. (card and dinner receipt are in album instead of photo)
Hoooooooray! Signs of spring! This made me so happy to see today!
Second week of our book with Amy and Vince. We are trying to meet every few weeks and "discuss". I'm very glad we decided to do this. Haven't gotten very far in the book yet, but so far, so good.
Relaxing night. Had Cassie, Pete and Ben over for Pizza and a fire.
{Heather...if you see this...YES, I am a creeper and I snatched this from your FB!}
Paul, Heather and her sisters, Hanna and Holly stopped by for a few drinks before their concert. So fun to catch up with them but I didn't take any pictures today, so this was it.
Woke up with a nasty headache that turned migraine. Even with a long afternoon nap, it still got worse. I swear it is the changing weather. Not a good day.Scroll down one more post...I caught up on last week too. (Our trip to Savannah)
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1 comment:
You take such awesome shots. I love that you included some actual shots of your album all done up. I have debated doing this myself. So nice to see some greenery poking up out of the ground, here, we still have alot of snow. Have a great week!
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