
Anatomy of my 2011 Album

Since completing my 2010 album, I've learned a few things that I want to try this year.  I've snooped around and gotten some great ideas from others participating in this project.  Try linking up to a weekly review where everyone shares their pictures from the previous week.  They are full of great ideas! 

I am really enjoying this method of "scrapbooking".  I actually enjoy catching up on each week, assembling my page, and never, ever, ever feel behind like traditional scrapbooking used to make me feel.  I have found myself flipping through my 2010 album many times and it never gets old.  Bryce has really enjoyed it too!  So...here are some pics of my album so far...

 The anatomy of my album.

Opening Page:
I used Becky's suggestion for the cover layout (back side of what you see now) as she showed in the instructions.  I used all the cards that came in the kit.  Nothing fancy here.

Intro Pages:
Since January 1st fell on a Saturday and I wanted to keep my weeks uniform, I used the left side as a filler page.  I documented a little bit about our family at this moment...right now (Jan. 1st)  I added some text in photoshop and printed them as 4x6 pictures.  The polka dot paper was a 12x12 paper included in the kit, and I just added a few of my own stickers.
I was also very intrigued by Ali Edwards "one little word"   I've never been good at New Year's Resolutions, so I thought maybe acknowledging a word for the year might be helpful.  The word I chose, or maybe that chose me... is PRESENT.  {Not like "gift" present, but like-here and now- present. }

 I created a digital print of my word, the definition, and a description of what it means to me and how I will incorporate it into my life this year.  {you can see part of it above. I didn't include the entire photo since some of it is personal}.  When I ordered my Christmas cards, Costco included 5 calendars as a bonus??  I stuck one on the back side of my "one little word".  Idea was from Cherish Everyday.  She is the bomb...you need to check her out.

I lay out each week Monday through Sunday.  This year, I am putting my title card on the top right corner.  I have found that it keeps the weekends together on the right page.  {I'm weird that way??}  It's just a little more pleasing to my eye.
 Last year, I was very monotonous and kept the entire album exactly the same all year long.  Meaning, I had a 4x6 photo and jounaling card for each day, as pictured above.  I'm trying to switch that up a bit.  I've even gone back and added a few things to last year's album.

  While looking through other's projects, here is what I am learning:
  • It's OK not to have a photo every single day.  A week at a glance is perfectly fine
  • Embrace my handwriting...it's mine, and its always going to be that way.
  • Utilize photoshop...embellish photos, add text right to it, or print "extras"
  • Use blank 8.5x11 page protectors to add "extras" (menu, extra journaling, cards, invitations, etc...)
  • Use a sewing machine to stitch my own custom size page protectors!  Bought this little gem at Target for $14.  My stitching looks awful, but it gets the job done!  Loving this!  Click here to see video
  • Have husband, kids, sitters write out journaling cards.  I would love to have other perspectives this year besides my own!
  • Don't be afraid to add things to the cards that came in the kit!  (why did I not dare to do this last year?)  Not the best example, but I found the week of Valentines day included lots of things I love.  So i stamped on the cards and added some notes.
  •  Use more of the large, pre-folded journaling cards!!!  I think I used two of them last year!  They are very versatile!
  •  The 3x4 journaling spots don't have to be strictly for journaling cards or photos.  I've been trying to use things other than words to capture the memory, or details.  (Ticket stub, Valentine's card envelope with Dan's handwriting, program from event/menu)
  •   Use other types of page protectors if more photos are needed.  This is a 12x12 sheet for 4x6 photos that I cut in half.
 I am constantly amazed at how clever and creative people are.  Check out this post that lists lots of inspirational info. I am mildly obsessed with Becky Higgins and this project, can you tell?  I have successfully managed to recruit 4 people {that I know of} to purchase this project!  Nothing excites me more than talking photos and scrapping with my ladies!  :)

Please leave a comment if you've seen any other great ideas or would like to share your project life tips and tricks.  I would LOVE to see what you have done so far.  I'm wondering if anyone has done anything cool wih the monthly divider tabs???


My Crafty Mama said...

Love all the stuff you have included. I am also adding 6x12 protectors into mine when needed. I need to get some journaling done and start photographing my pages to catch up. I am doing a weekly theme also.

I am doing Sat - Sat. Wish I saw your post before I started I like the idea of keeping the days the same in the book. Nice!

foreverdrone said...

Can't imagine why you'd be self-conscious or dissatisfied with your handwriting; I think it's beautiful! Looks as if you have a wonderful eye for aesthetics, in general.