I've decided to start posting my project life tuesday over at my Peterson Stories blog. Keeping two blogs seems a little excessive, and I will be posting everything at my main blog from now on. (you know, since project life pictures document everything we do on a daily basis and I've run out of things to post on the family blog!)
I'd love it if you jumped over to Peterson Stories if you are still interested in following our Project Life posts. Thanks for stopping by!!!
March 28th-April 3 (week 13)
Travel day. Coming home from Savannah. Sad to see the trip end, but looking forward to getting home to see the kiddos.

I've had these travel tags for a few years and never knew what to do with them. I love this cute little airplane :)
Impromptu girls night. I felt kind of bad going out since we just got back late last night, but it was fun to catch up with some friends. (card and dinner receipt are in album instead of photo)
Hoooooooray! Signs of spring! This made me so happy to see today!
Second week of our book with Amy and Vince. We are trying to meet every few weeks and "discuss". I'm very glad we decided to do this. Haven't gotten very far in the book yet, but so far, so good.
Relaxing night. Had Cassie, Pete and Ben over for Pizza and a fire.
{Heather...if you see this...YES, I am a creeper and I snatched this from your FB!}
Paul, Heather and her sisters, Hanna and Holly stopped by for a few drinks before their concert. So fun to catch up with them but I didn't take any pictures today, so this was it.
Woke up with a nasty headache that turned migraine. Even with a long afternoon nap, it still got worse. I swear it is the changing weather. Not a good day.Scroll down one more post...I caught up on last week too. (Our trip to Savannah)
To see more Project Life posts, check out the Mom Creative.
March 21-March 27 (week 12) part 2
Catching up on week 12. Finally got my prints back from Costco yesterday. I had many pictures of our Savannah trip that I wanted to include, so I made a 8x11 digital layout to include in a page protector, in addition to Ali Edwards Long Journal sheet. (LOVING these!)

Week 12 full page
Back side of journaling. 4x11 photo, trimmed to fit.

Digital page {front}

Digital Layout {back}
Instead of more photos on the right side, I included things from the trip {postcards, room key, map, boarding pass, etc...}
Week 12 full page
Left Side M-Th
Right Side. (All Savannah stuff)Back side of journaling. 4x11 photo, trimmed to fit.
Digital page {front}
Digital Layout {back}
Instead of more photos on the right side, I included things from the trip {postcards, room key, map, boarding pass, etc...}
March 21- March 27 (week 12) part 1
This week I sort of dropped the ball. Didn't get many pictures. I was too excited to be leaving for a mini getaway. So here is what I got:
Just when we thought we made it through the winter weather, another cold blast comes through and we were covered in ice. After many, many hours of labor, and one c-section later, little Paige finally made her grand entrance! Congratulations Sarah. :)
No picture on Wednesday
More ice. The sun was shining and it left a beautiful shimmer on everything. Not fun to drive or play in, but pretty to look at. One of these I will figure out depth and focus on my camera.
The rest of the week we were in Savannah. I have some plans for my album. Probably a digital layout or things to add from the trip. (maps, receipts, etc.)
March 14- March 20 (week 11)
After our week of sickness, I spent the entire day cleaning, disinfecting, scouring, wiping, vacuuming, catching up on laundry...the works. It was so nice to start the week with a clean house (even if it was only until the next morning)
We had amazing weather this week, so I dragged the kids to the park for a walk/run. It was still a little early in the day, so it wasn't quite "warm" yet, but by the end of the walk, I worked up a sweat. So happy that spring is here!Another day spent outside! The sun was shining and we were soaking up every single second of it! I think we even grilled for dinner :)
Yes, I am obsessing over this weather! March in Michigan does not usually give us 70 degree weather. I was giddy! Went out to dinner with the Spaniolos and Dan and I booked our flight to Savannah next weekend :) Yay!
I was cleaning up the piles of books all over the floor and realized that very soon, these types of books will be tossed aside for the latest and greatest big boy books. I love that we have 4 copies of smash crash, (Bryce's current favorite) since he has ripped or destroyed every copy. He can recite this book word for word. I love that he enjoys reading so much.Celebrated Anthony's 8th birthday today. It was a beautiful day, so we spent much of it outside, which the kids loved! Happy Birthday Anthony!
I thouht we were over the Blue's Clues obsession months ago, but it seems that we are back. Bryce constantly has his "notebook" in his lap while he sits in his "thinking chair" It is so cute. If you would like to see more Project Life pictures from this week, click over to the Mom Creative! Happy Tuesday.
March 7- March 13 (week 10)
Sick week! yuck.
Everyone was down and out at some point this week, so it was a quiet, messy several days around here.
Since I didn't take any/many pictures of value, I decided to follow through with an idea I've had since the beginning of the year. I wanted to capture what our home looks like RIGHT NOW, where we live/sleep/eat.
I think back to my house as a kid, and I can't remember what my room looked like, what the bathroom looked like, the kitchen, our front door...etc. I do however have vivid memories of a plaid couch, and some God awful pineapple wallpaper in the kitchen. Sorry Mom.
I've been putting it off, because... well... let's face it, when is our house ever clean enough to take pictures? I spent several hours disinfecting and cleaning the flu out of this house, and because the houseis currently was clean yesterday, i snapped away. :)
I still have to print and pick up my pictures, so once complete, this week in my album will look something like this:
I hope to get back on track with my daily pics this week. Head on over to The Mom Creative to see or link up with other Project Lifers :) Happy Project Life Tuesday.
Everyone was down and out at some point this week, so it was a quiet, messy several days around here.
Since I didn't take any/many pictures of value, I decided to follow through with an idea I've had since the beginning of the year. I wanted to capture what our home looks like RIGHT NOW, where we live/sleep/eat.
I think back to my house as a kid, and I can't remember what my room looked like, what the bathroom looked like, the kitchen, our front door...etc. I do however have vivid memories of a plaid couch, and some God awful pineapple wallpaper in the kitchen. Sorry Mom.
{Little me...circa 1981?? Didn't I tell you? Plaid couch.}
I digress...this just seemed like a good opportunity to document our living space, which is a big portion of our life.I've been putting it off, because... well... let's face it, when is our house ever clean enough to take pictures? I spent several hours disinfecting and cleaning the flu out of this house, and because the house
I still have to print and pick up my pictures, so once complete, this week in my album will look something like this:
Left side
Right Side
I didn't get a chance to "tidy" up my bedroom, so that might make it in too. We'll see. I hope to get back on track with my daily pics this week. Head on over to The Mom Creative to see or link up with other Project Lifers :) Happy Project Life Tuesday.
February 28- March 6 (week 9)
Well, here's to another week! I have to admit, this week's pictures are borderline horrible. I don't know what my problem was, but I kept forgetting to take pictures all week. Anyway, that's part of the deal. Not everyday is exciting, and I am as far from a professional photographer as you can get. With that being said, here was our week :)
Went to the Doctor today for some kind of stomach bug that has been lingering, and spent the majority of the time waiting. Don't you love how you don't see the doctor until 3:50 when you have a 3:15 appointment. Thank goodness for my phone and facebook.
This is my house on any given day, and any given moment. I've got to get these toys under control.
This is actually going in the 3x4 spot. I used one of the large journaling cards to write some thoughts down so that will be in my 4x6 spot for Monday. Every time I work out, Bryce mimics every move and it is the funniest thing I've ever seen. I had to get a picture of this.
This is my house on any given day, and any given moment. I've got to get these toys under control.
Here is what I love about this picture:
The house is a disaster
Sydney has no shirt on
Sydney's belly is enormous.
I'm ignoring my kids and playing on the computer
I'm unshowered, as usual
Bryce managed to find my camera and snap this picture by himself.
Aaahhh well. This is how most mornings go, so I suppose it should be documented, right?
In comparison to how much we used to eat out, we have come a long way! I've been doing pretty well with our e-mealz, but today I just needed to eat out. We love our Buffalo Wild Wings. It's noisy, its close, they serve alcohol...it's perfect!
The in-laws were generous enough to take the kids overnight so Dan and I could head to Detroit and celebrate Steve's 50th Birthday. It was a Luau (obviously), and we had a blast. I've got lots more pictures, but will probably add an additional page in the album.
I didn't get a picture Sunday, but I asked Dan's mom to fill out a journaling card of how their visit went, and I'm going to use that for Sunday. So excited to have Mee-Maw's handwriting in the album for the kids. :)
ShutterCal.com online photo calendar.
I joined the Big Picture Classes website to read through the message boards and see what people are doing with their projects and hopefully get some tips and/or ideas. Someone mentioned they used ShutterCal.com online calendar to keep up and share their Project Life (or other Project 365) photos.
I thought to myself..."oh, that is a good idea" and registered, only to find out I had already registered last year and completely forgot about the site. So I uploaded each one of my PL photos from 2011 (which took all of 5 minutes) and now I have a way to get a quick snapshot of my pictures.
I haven't decided exactly how I will use this site/calendar, but I like being able to make a quick screenshot photo collage of the entire month. Who knows, maybe I will completely forget about it all over again?
Also, you can embed your calendar to blogs (or anywhere, I would imagine) and it automatically updates the photo with your most recent picture. Kind of cool?

So...we'll see. Might be a waste of time, and one more thing I have to keep up with. I'll keep you posted ;)
I thought to myself..."oh, that is a good idea" and registered, only to find out I had already registered last year and completely forgot about the site. So I uploaded each one of my PL photos from 2011 (which took all of 5 minutes) and now I have a way to get a quick snapshot of my pictures.
I haven't decided exactly how I will use this site/calendar, but I like being able to make a quick screenshot photo collage of the entire month. Who knows, maybe I will completely forget about it all over again?
Also, you can embed your calendar to blogs (or anywhere, I would imagine) and it automatically updates the photo with your most recent picture. Kind of cool?

So...we'll see. Might be a waste of time, and one more thing I have to keep up with. I'll keep you posted ;)
Anatomy of my 2011 Album
Since completing my 2010 album, I've learned a few things that I want to try this year. I've snooped around and gotten some great ideas from others participating in this project. Try linking up to a weekly review where everyone shares their pictures from the previous week. They are full of great ideas!
I am really enjoying this method of "scrapbooking". I actually enjoy catching up on each week, assembling my page, and never, ever, ever feel behind like traditional scrapbooking used to make me feel. I have found myself flipping through my 2010 album many times and it never gets old. Bryce has really enjoyed it too! So...here are some pics of my album so far...
The anatomy of my album.
Opening Page:
I used Becky's suggestion for the cover layout (back side of what you see now) as she showed in the instructions. I used all the cards that came in the kit. Nothing fancy here.
Intro Pages:
Since January 1st fell on a Saturday and I wanted to keep my weeks uniform, I used the left side as a filler page. I documented a little bit about our family at this moment...right now (Jan. 1st) I added some text in photoshop and printed them as 4x6 pictures. The polka dot paper was a 12x12 paper included in the kit, and I just added a few of my own stickers.
I am really enjoying this method of "scrapbooking". I actually enjoy catching up on each week, assembling my page, and never, ever, ever feel behind like traditional scrapbooking used to make me feel. I have found myself flipping through my 2010 album many times and it never gets old. Bryce has really enjoyed it too! So...here are some pics of my album so far...
The anatomy of my album.
Opening Page:
I used Becky's suggestion for the cover layout (back side of what you see now) as she showed in the instructions. I used all the cards that came in the kit. Nothing fancy here.
Intro Pages:
Since January 1st fell on a Saturday and I wanted to keep my weeks uniform, I used the left side as a filler page. I documented a little bit about our family at this moment...right now (Jan. 1st) I added some text in photoshop and printed them as 4x6 pictures. The polka dot paper was a 12x12 paper included in the kit, and I just added a few of my own stickers.
I was also very intrigued by Ali Edwards "one little word" I've never been good at New Year's Resolutions, so I thought maybe acknowledging a word for the year might be helpful. The word I chose, or maybe that chose me... is PRESENT. {Not like "gift" present, but like-here and now- present. }
I created a digital print of my word, the definition, and a description of what it means to me and how I will incorporate it into my life this year. {you can see part of it above. I didn't include the entire photo since some of it is personal}. When I ordered my Christmas cards, Costco included 5 calendars as a bonus?? I stuck one on the back side of my "one little word". Idea was from Cherish Everyday. She is the bomb...you need to check her out.
I lay out each week Monday through Sunday. This year, I am putting my title card on the top right corner. I have found that it keeps the weekends together on the right page. {I'm weird that way??} It's just a little more pleasing to my eye.
Last year, I was very monotonous and kept the entire album exactly the same all year long. Meaning, I had a 4x6 photo and jounaling card for each day, as pictured above. I'm trying to switch that up a bit. I've even gone back and added a few things to last year's album.
While looking through other's projects, here is what I am learning:
- It's OK not to have a photo every single day. A week at a glance is perfectly fine
- Embrace my handwriting...it's mine, and its always going to be that way.
- Utilize photoshop...embellish photos, add text right to it, or print "extras"
- Use blank 8.5x11 page protectors to add "extras" (menu, extra journaling, cards, invitations, etc...)
- Use a sewing machine to stitch my own custom size page protectors! Bought this little gem at Target for $14. My stitching looks awful, but it gets the job done! Loving this! Click here to see video
- Have husband, kids, sitters write out journaling cards. I would love to have other perspectives this year besides my own!
- Don't be afraid to add things to the cards that came in the kit! (why did I not dare to do this last year?) Not the best example, but I found the week of Valentines day included lots of things I love. So i stamped on the cards and added some notes.
- Use more of the large, pre-folded journaling cards!!! I think I used two of them last year! They are very versatile!
- The 3x4 journaling spots don't have to be strictly for journaling cards or photos. I've been trying to use things other than words to capture the memory, or details. (Ticket stub, Valentine's card envelope with Dan's handwriting, program from event/menu)
- Use other types of page protectors if more photos are needed. This is a 12x12 sheet for 4x6 photos that I cut in half.
I am constantly amazed at how clever and creative people are. Check out this post that lists lots of inspirational info. I am mildly obsessed with Becky Higgins and this project, can you tell? I have successfully managed to recruit 4 people {that I know of} to purchase this project! Nothing excites me more than talking photos and scrapping with my ladies! :)
Please leave a comment if you've seen any other great ideas or would like to share your project life tips and tricks. I would LOVE to see what you have done so far. I'm wondering if anyone has done anything cool wih the monthly divider tabs???
Please leave a comment if you've seen any other great ideas or would like to share your project life tips and tricks. I would LOVE to see what you have done so far. I'm wondering if anyone has done anything cool wih the monthly divider tabs???
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